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giovedì 19 luglio 2012

Battaglia notturna tra i minatori e poliziotti a Bembibre

da alboroto. trad. orizzontelibertario

Gli scontri sono scoppiati ieri, tra i minatori e la polizia vicino la città di Bembibre (provincia Llion). Nel tardo pomeriggio, i minatori hanno bloccato l'autostrada A6, formando barricate con pneumatici bruciati e
vari camion

Clashes broke out yesterday between striking miners and cops near the town of Bembibre (Llión province). Late afternoon, miners blocked the A6 state highway, setting up barricades made of burning tires and knocking over several trucks. At 10:30pm, miners fired homemade rockets and shot rocks from slingshots at riot police, who had just arrived. Clashes lasted half an hour, and cops entered later the town in the search of miners. Three of them were arrested.
Source and images: leonoticias.com

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